GOENKA BUSINESS & FINANCE LIMITED was incorporated as a private limited company on 07th Day of September, 1987 and registered with the office of Registrar of Companies West Bengal, Calcutta under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 with registration no. 42960. The company commenced its business on 07th September, 1987. The company converted into a Public Limited Company w.e.f. 01st The shares of Goenka Business & Finance Limited are listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and Calcutta Stock Exchange and also the Company is presently registered with the Reserve Bank of India as a Non- Banking Financial Company..
CIN No of the Company is L67120WB1987PLC042960
The Company is carrying on the business of an investment company and to invest- in, acquire or hold shares, bonds, securities, etc. Its main business is to acquire and hold and otherwise deal in the moneys from time to time in such manner as may determined to borrow or raise money with or without security and /or by the issue or sale of any bonds, mortgages, debentures and to devote any money so raised to any of the objects of all kinds upon such terms as may be arranged.
• Mr. Yasin Gori
• Contact No. : 9375560002
• Contact Person: Mr. Yasin Gori
Designation: Director
Contact No. : 9375560002
Email id: goenkabusiness1987@gmail.com